
Webinar: More data, higher carbon emissions - what are telcos doing about it?

October 30, 2023
Join us for a thought-provoking webinar on the rising carbon footprint of data usage and how telecom operators can drive a sustainable digital transformation.

With every video streamed, every message sent, and every call made, our reliance on data continues to grow, placing more demand on data centers and network infrastructure. As a result, energy consumption and carbon emissions are becoming more pressing issues in a time of global environmental concerns.

As our use of data increases, how can the industry behind our digital transformation lessen its environmental impact? Join us as we discuss the crucial role telecom operators play in this data-driven age and the consequences of their continually growing infrastructure and learn more about how our sustainable project "Source" for Bouygues Telecom is driving real change.


The discussion will be led by Stephanie Chalmers, Group Communications and Corporate Brand leader, Telenor Group.

Join the Discussion for Sustainable Digital Transformation!

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